A lucky day
My uncle just got married. With that? An inevitable family reunion with relatives from the different parts of the world. What was funny was, i didn't know much of the people there, including my own kin! Lolo who? Lola what? Ahhhh from that side, twice removed?
I finally saw my uncles and aunts again. Gabby couldn't make it but Adriene was there. So cute with his little barong. Kuya Richie (Im sure you've been waiting to see your name here...) has been reading my blog in his idle time while cruising along the pacific. He reads it apparently, just goes to show how bored he gets. It was wierd having him to mention it in front of my parents and other relatives who don't know i blog. "Average psycho was it?" . Shhhhh... It's enough i write down stupid things but you don't have to tell the family about it! The secret to a great family? Is the way you handle your secrets. What they don't know won't hurt them.
Anyway, it was nice hanging out with my "Ate's" and "kuya". (They dislike tita and tito). I guess quirkiness can be genetic. I finally got to go to Bay walk along Roxas Boulevard. Not so bad as long as you don't have to pee. Damn portalets. I just got home actually. With Dik and Patty, we had a great time. I hope they did too.
Apart from this joyous reunion, i just checked my mail. He also happened to read my blog. One regarding about his previous e-mail. I stand corrected. He explained himself. It was a little embarassing on my part but i knew he didnt mean what he said before. Couldn't believe it. So for that i apologize. My bad.
For kuya Richie? I'll upload some of the pics next time. Too tired na. Pero bagay pala sa akin kulot ano? =p
- Live like there's no tomorrow. Love like it's your last.
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