Tomorrow would be the start of classes for second sem. Hopefully my last sem in Ateneo. School will start tomorrow but i've already sent my part of a paper due tom! Work will get you anytime, anywhere. Not that i'm complaining. There's really nothing else to do. But i honestly do want this vacation to extend a wee bit longer.
Well, to talk about my halloween... Somehow the event didn't go so well in Alabang. I was hoping for a grand celebration, much like in the last years (not inlucing last year though..) I remember oh so well the haunted mansion made in Cuenca park. Where there were fake monsters as well as fake boys..(like rick and james, gee thanks joyce and jinx!) Aaaahhh.. memories that were sweet. This year my friends had our own halloween party wherin we all really dressed up. Claire went as Cleopatra, Joyce and Chino as the Don and Dona, Jinky and Yogi as batugans (they were wearing pajamas), Kimmie as a politician (way to go dude!), Apple in 20's, Quincy as Mulawin, Nic in his Greenwich ad commercial (naks!), Mian as a pregnant girl (it was more realistic than mine...), Patty and Bong in laid back Cuban outfits, Joax as Peter Pan (but he lost his happy thoughts... and his hat), and Allan who came as Kit. And as mentioned me as a pregnant girl. (tee-hee) Chino's parents were there and they looked pretty shocked at my attire. Tita actually thought i was pregnant until i was punching the pillow to fix the way my belly looked.
A lot of things happened. Well, not much. Jinky and i had an adventure (better get used to the fact that we won't be having any other adventures with Joyce... hwaaaaaa!!!) in starbucks. We met two new friends who will be opening their own restaurant in BF. Got asked out at the end of the night, date will be texted. Fun. One guy was a chef and the other.. uhm the manager.
Anyway, while i was driving around Alabang i suddenly thought of a friend. and how fun it must be if that friend was here. Oh well, i guess i'd never really know.
- Live like there's no tomorrow. Love like it's your last.
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