home (h
My brother's been living in Melbourne with his wife for... well enough for him to be resident already. And talks about moving there has become more frequent.
Migrating when you're young seems bearable. Emotions can still be considered petty. Before you know it, you're back in school socializing and making new friends. But as you get older, when you've established close and meaningful ties with people, accustomed yourself to the sights, the sounds and even the smell of a place (however foul), leaving feels like getting amputated. You are literally cutting yourself off from a world that you grew up with, learned and is continually learning from.
Leave everything behind. Is it really that hard? I've thought of leaving the country numerous times for work. Just work. And like my other colleagues in the industry, come back after saving up. 1 year? 2 years? Yet it's nothing compared to a lifetime commitment of calling another place home.
I've held it off ever since my brother left. The thought of leaving seemed pointless to me. Now that there's something brewing down under, my parents are all but excited to migrate and be with my brother and his family. That part is what's really making the decision harder for me. He IS my only brother. Unfortunately, despite the arguments and the name calling, I do miss the bastard. And he OBVIOUSLY misses me too... My brother and my parents know that pamangkins are my greatest weakness. Using the line "Come here na, we need help in painting the nursery." is really uncalled for.
They say at my age the world is my oyster. But is there really anywhere else better than home?
- Live like there's no tomorrow. Love like it's your last.

________________________________________________1. A place where one lives; a residence.
2. The physical structure within which one lives, such as a house or apartment.
3. A dwelling place together with the family or social unit that occupies it; a household.
a. An environment offering security and happiness.
b. A valued place regarded as a refuge or place of origin.
5. The place, such as a country or town, where one was born or has lived for a long period.
6. The native habitat, as of a plant or animal.
7. The place where something is discovered, founded, developed, or promoted; a source.
My brother's been living in Melbourne with his wife for... well enough for him to be resident already. And talks about moving there has become more frequent.
Kuya: Anu ba plano mo?
Sha: I have plans of my own...
K: Why not try it here?
S: and do what?
K: I dunno, i'm sure you can figure something out... you can be nanny...hehe
S: hmm tempting...
K: kaw, up to you if you're ready to leave everything behind."Leave everything behind." That's what struck me the most. I know too many friends who've migrated and wished they were back here. I guess however "sucky" the country may be, it's still home.
Migrating when you're young seems bearable. Emotions can still be considered petty. Before you know it, you're back in school socializing and making new friends. But as you get older, when you've established close and meaningful ties with people, accustomed yourself to the sights, the sounds and even the smell of a place (however foul), leaving feels like getting amputated. You are literally cutting yourself off from a world that you grew up with, learned and is continually learning from.
Leave everything behind. Is it really that hard? I've thought of leaving the country numerous times for work. Just work. And like my other colleagues in the industry, come back after saving up. 1 year? 2 years? Yet it's nothing compared to a lifetime commitment of calling another place home.
I've held it off ever since my brother left. The thought of leaving seemed pointless to me. Now that there's something brewing down under, my parents are all but excited to migrate and be with my brother and his family. That part is what's really making the decision harder for me. He IS my only brother. Unfortunately, despite the arguments and the name calling, I do miss the bastard. And he OBVIOUSLY misses me too... My brother and my parents know that pamangkins are my greatest weakness. Using the line "Come here na, we need help in painting the nursery." is really uncalled for.
They say at my age the world is my oyster. But is there really anywhere else better than home?
- Live like there's no tomorrow. Love like it's your last.
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