I Am
Which tarot card are you?
Human love, the spiritual union of sex. Opposites as aspects of the One.
An angel holds out her hands in blessing upon a man and a woman, Adam and Eve, the primal couple, the original mother and father. Behind Eve is the serpent in the tree of knowledge and behind Adam is the tree of life. Between the lovers are the clouds of unknowing, holding further fertility and mystery. At their feet runs the path of life, ascending to the mountain of knowledge. All is illumined by the great sun of Oneness. This is above all the card of Human Love

Which tarot card are you?
Human love, the spiritual union of sex. Opposites as aspects of the One.
An angel holds out her hands in blessing upon a man and a woman, Adam and Eve, the primal couple, the original mother and father. Behind Eve is the serpent in the tree of knowledge and behind Adam is the tree of life. Between the lovers are the clouds of unknowing, holding further fertility and mystery. At their feet runs the path of life, ascending to the mountain of knowledge. All is illumined by the great sun of Oneness. This is above all the card of Human Love
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