missing the blog
For some strange and unforeseen reason i can't seem to log-on my blog, even any other blogs for that matter. I find it frustrating. A lot has been running in my mind lately, a lot of things had happened. Things that i wish i could share in more detail. The other night, i took out my real journal and looked back at what happened in the past. I guess it's true what they said about reading, and how they sometimes take you in a different place, a different time. In this case, i was sent back to the past. Even then i wrote long entries so i'm not surprised at the length of my blogs... i was whisked through time, in a setting i once knew too well. There were happy moments, and heartbreaks one way or another. Some i thought were childish and id simply laugh at it, but some were memories i could never forget, the times when i fell down, and getting up from all the ruble. Writing is a good thing. I read on my past, and saw myself.

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