Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Saturday, October 23, 2004
daddy's girl
- Live like there's no tomorrow. Love like it's your last.
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
my kikay moment (bare with me)
Inside the store I saw a familiar face. She was an Atenean, my batch but I wasn’t sure if she was in the same course, but I have seen her around. She was with her mom buying shoes. Awww… a mother- daughter moment. She had yellow pumps on and was walking around to check it out. Yellow pumps? C’mon, my dogs have better tastes in color. I seriously wanted to suggest to her the white ones… but I didn’t. While modeling it around she kept on conversing both with her mother and the sales lady in English. Some-kinda-coño girl kasi. I tried not to pay attention to it and concentrated on a shoe I found… sling-back black shiny shoes. They were bitchy heels and I looked like a real bitch on those damn awesome shoes! So anyways, this girl in the shop took the yellow shoes (why she did is beyond me) and had a cork put inside the shoe to make it fit more. But she wasn’t done looking around and took 2-inch bage sling-back shoes. 60’s but charming nonetheless. She took those too. When she finished the cashier started punching the numbers. Total sale= 3,000 pesos. The girl and her mother were shocked at the price. Then she finds out that her yellow pumps costs Php2,000. “I thought it was 700(++) pesos!” Her mother seemed pissed and aloofed at the same time. Knowing all too well that she had already made the sales lady put that cork in her yellow shoes… she took the bage sling-back shoes. I saw the faces of all the sales people in the store. All wanted to kill her at that instant. I assumed the girl and her mother were there for a long time… I wanted to give her some of my yellow sarcasm! Pakonyo-konyo pa wala namang pera! Anak ng tipaklong oo… She paid for the other shoe and immediately left probably in embarrassment. She should have paid for the yellow shoes! Her mother should have told her to get the yellow shoes! Why the hell did she want the yellow shoes? So I did what every Filipina would do—I made chismis to the sales lady. I asked what happened and suddenly information just came pouring in. Apparently that girl took the other shoe! (Well, I knew that!) AND it was actually the second time she went into the store. 1st time was days ago and then today. However, it seemed strangely peculiar that she never knew how much the shoes costs. The cashier’s eyes were fixed on their annoying customer’s tracks. They were angry. I chuckled while I handed them my payment for my awesome new shoes. It was a real bargain. For shoes like that to cost less than 700 pesos? Well at least I learned to read prices in Ateneo. Poor girl. She probably got it from her mom after that. But everything happens for a reason. The shoe god was most likely watching and saved her from long-term embarrassment in purchasing and wearing those yellow pumps. and I mean for me to find my shoes? There is a God!
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Lesson taught in Friendster
Sunday, October 17, 2004
feeling stifled
Friday, October 15, 2004
Admiring nature

mythology... im just bored
You are Form 9, Vampire: The Undying.
"And The Vampire was all that remained on the blood drowned creation. She attempted to regrow life from the dead. But as she was about to give the breath of life, she was consumed in the flame of The Phoenix and the cycle began again." Some examples of the Vampire Form are Hades (Greek) and Isis (Egyptian).The Vampire is associated with the concept of death, the number 9, and the element of fire.Her sign is the eclipsed moon. As a member of Form 9, you are a very realistic individual. You may be a little idealistic, but you are very grounded and down to earth. You realize that not everything lasts, but you savor every minute of the good times. While you may sometimes find yourself lonely, you have strong ties with people that will never be broken. Vampires are the best friends to have because they are sensible.
Which Mythological Form Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Thursday, October 14, 2004
over and done
- Done with finals.
- Tired.
- Sleepy.
- Happy.
- Live like there's no tomorrow. Love like it's your last.
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
remembering why i hate my school
Coming from a coed high school down south (or the province as the people in my school calls it), I found myself in awe at the huge transition I had to put myself into. Not that I’m generalizing that people there all talk, walk and dress alike, but some of those I had gotten to meet intimidated me by their drive for excellence. You would think that this is actually healthy, but watching them not care about others by degrading or underestimating them just so they can succeed on getting high grades made it down right frightening (scary is too weak to describe it). People go along their little lives not caring, which is probably why we’re tagged as snobbish (which most of us are not, just some). I, on the other hand, amused myself while I sat in one of the benches around campus watching THEM.
I’m an average student. As much as I want to attain MAGIS, I’m quite content with what I have accomplished. In the previous entry, I talked about killing the man who said, “it is not the destination that’s important, but the journey”. Well, I guess he’s right all along. What can I say against old and wise proverbs?
I never did transfer. I was already finishing my second year in school when I really felt I couldn’t handle the pressure. But I thought that since I was already over the 1st half, I could still bear another. I was not likely to quit. I had my own set of friends, those that I felt comfortable with. There were no high standard requirement, no fru- fru, which I really appreciated about them. No one wore lavish clothes or really up-to-date shoes, but each had their own comfortable styles. We were normal, average, day- to- day students unlike the ones you see in Clueless or other movies depicting high school life. You can say I survived school because of them.
This week is finals week. Tomorrow will be my last exam: theology. I actually can’t wait to graduate.
Thinking that all is going to go well in my last year, things couldn’t go any worse off. I thought that I had lost connections with THEM. Apparently they pop out when you least expect them. I almost lost it a little earlier. I was stressed in taking my Political Science finals, and I had to cram our presentation for OB. My group mates were frantic; I wouldn’t blame them cause so was I. But there’s nothing anyone could do but just finish the job right? Wrong. For THEM, the ones who want to get an A because he wants to graduate cum laude (thought my friend said it was actually impossible for him) and another who just wants it (my friend said it was probably due to the fact that she wasn’t in the dean’s list), the presentation was vital. Gee, thanks for making me feel so irresponsible when I already felt like it. It was like I never wanted to get high too. Like I purposely sabotaged the whole thing (two of us were in charge of it by the way). She sent me the final paper just the night before. I had to study so I told her I’ll be able to make the powerpoint the next morning. But when I checked that morning, I didn’t get anything. Then she starts bitching. PMS. Blah. So since it was still early, it was still ok. I asked my partner if we could meet before my exam. He said he couldn’t. blah. So I made an outline from the semi-final paper and asked him to get it from me before my exam so he could input it already. He didn’t. And to top it all off, we couldn’t contact him let alone find him. I rushed my exam so that we could finish it on time. I might fail in that exam. But that’s beside the point. The presentation was at 4, it was already 3 and still no sign of him. I was panicking. At 3 he finally shows up and that’s when we start making the powerpoint. I gave him my outline (it was per slide). All he had to do was type it all in. But there was still the final paper. I had to include the newly added ones too. Stressed and panicking I worked hastily. THEY watched in shocking realization that we weren’t finished. No shit Sherlocks. We couldn’t finish the whole paper into powerpoint but most of it were already there. 33 slides with movie clips in 1 hour and 30 minutes. We went to the venue at 4:30, good thing the first group was still presenting. Already tired, and frustrated, THEY tell me about their need of an A in that class. Like I didn’t want it. It was the first time I wanted to cry. I felt like… well, this is the first time anyone seemed to bully me. That’s it, I felt bullied. My other friends comforted me by asking if I knew that they were really like that even before? It was one of the reasons why they didn’t want to be grouped with them since third year. Why don’t I ever notice these things? I was crushed. They got me at my weakness, I hate letting people down. I couldn’t care less if I failed… well, I actually do, but getting low grades don’t mind me that much. I hated it. I hated THEM.
I’m in my last year. Why did this have to happen to me in my last year. There can be no peace with me. I just had to be reminded why I hate this school.
- Live like there's no tomorrow. Love like it's your last.
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Shalimar by Guerlain
Shalimar by Guerlain
What does it take for a fragrance to endure 75 years as a best-seller?
Introduced in 1925, Shalimar, by Guerlain, is everything a high-quality fragrance should be:
- Intoxicating,
- sensuous,
- rich,
- exhilarating,
- timeless
- and long-lasting, with a fascinating history and a beautiful love-story behind it (see bottom of page).
Shalimar, created by Jacques Guerlain at a time when fascination with all-things-oriental was sweeping Europe, is the quintessential oriental fragrance; a distinctive "make a grand entrance" fragrance, for a sophisticated and uninhibited woman. A Tribute to the Love That Grew in The Great Gardens of Shalimar
While visiting Paris, a traveling Maharajah related a love story to Jacques Guerlain, that became the inspiration for Shalimar:
More than 300 years ago, Shah Jahan succeeded to the throne of his father, Jahangir, and became the third Mogul Emperor of India. Jahan loved only one woman. Her name was Mumtaz Mahal. Some say he loved her unto madness, that she was not his wife but his fever. Victories, empires and riches were as dust compared to her. In his eyes, she alone was the balm that made life bearable. When she died, Jahan's hair turned white. He would burst into tears at the mention of her name. In her memory, he built one of the world's greatest wonders - the Taj Mahal at Agra. But the Taj Mahal is only an empty monument. While Mumtaz was alive, Jahan created a series of gardens for her at Lahore, gardens the likes of which had never been seen before. He called them the gardens of Shalimar, the Sanskrit word meaning "abode of love". From every corner of the Earth, the most fragrant and delicate blossoms were brought. Deep pools were built with crystal fountains and terraces paved in marble. The rarest birds were summoned to sing here, and lanterns were hung to rival the stars. In the gardens of Shalimar the lovers were truly happy, and Mumtaz bore fourteen children to her beloved Jahan.
During Shalimar's development, it had a working name of Taj Mahal. Guerlain eventually changed it to Shalimar, because Taj Mahal was the end of a story, while the gardens at Shalimar were about a never-ending love.
- Live like there's no tomorrow. Love like it's your last.Monday, October 11, 2004
Wednesday i'll be fine...- Sting
I was in the departments chair’s office (which would be Dr. Ibana’s) seated in a round table with the great minds of the Philo dept.. My heart was racing. It was nothing I have ever experienced before. I have been taking philosophy, as well as theology since 3rd year college, and each semester the same thing at the end—oral exams. But this time it was different. I was faced with 3 audiences. It takes more than guts to go in that room. Those people who are willing to commit suicide and face death were probably the only ones who could come in and honestly say they are not afraid. For me, it took strong amounts of insanity to jump in. There they were seated around the table, waiting to devour me. They asked the 2nd thesis statement;
Though my finals doesn’t end until Thursday, Sting is playing but it is true that Wednesday would be fine, because come Thursday ill be free!!!
Sunday, October 10, 2004
i hate school
Monday, October 04, 2004
girl on a mission
Sunday, October 03, 2004
9 questions... for now...
When should hoping for a great love end?
What criterias are needed for such a halt?
Why should it?
Shouldn't it?
How would one go about it?
How does one get through it?
Does one get through it?
Is faith sufficient enough to hold?
on or am i just fooling myself?
- Live like there's no tomorrow. Love like it's your last.