Tuesday, March 29, 2005

My first job offer gone wrong

...And i don't take it lightly.

I was offered a "project" that i thought was seamless and easy considering the amount of money they offered. A friend of mine referred the client to me, and knowing i need some money i jumped for the offer of editing a video presentation.

I cleared everything first by asking what was needed, what materials (pictures, clips, etc) needed are already at hand, and which software they preferred. My friend said they already have it, all of it and that the software they were going to use was flash. Knowing there were video clips, i told him it would be better if we use Premiere. I asked some more questions, like if all the materials are in digital form of which he almost automatically said yes. It really seemed like an easy job. 15 minutes worth of video. No problem.

Last night i met up with the client in their condo around makati. My friend and i arrived at around 8-ish. When we got there apparently the client still wasn't talking to us about business. We were waiting for her boyfriend. Fine. Why are we waiting for him? Apparently, the boyfriend is the one who knows a little about these softwares and creative marketing. Hwow. Fine. So we waited for what seemed like an hour or more. When he got there, which was really unfortunate, he started yammering about how this years presentation should be better than the last and that his girlfriends expectation was really high yada yada blah blah blah... basically i zoned him out. I seriously had a migraine after that meeting mainly because of him. But that wasn't the problem of it all.

First. I was told that all the materials were already with them. Wrong. They didnt have the videos yet. The names of the attendees, weren't even listed! Geez. Second. They said that it was all in digital form. The client then shows me a folder full of developed pictures. I thought they were just for me to see what i'd be doing. Wrong. It was all the pictures needed to be inputed (pardon if the grammars wrong) in the presentation. I asked her, "these pictures are developed, where are their digital form?" Honest question, a great question actually. "That's it. Hindi kasi nila sinunod yung sinabi ko sa kanila." Fantastic. Do you have videos for the intro? Animation would be harder to do. No, of course they don't! So i asked them to just film boxing na lang. Third and most importantly. The client's boyfriend is a pain in the ass. He's so full of himself its a wonder why i didn't jump out the 23rd floor just to get away from him. He's good in graphics design i must admit but so are my friends but they don't act like they're the shit! I've worked with better people than him and he acts as if everyone else is inferior. My friend was apologizing. I was ranting all the way home. Their offer doesnt cover the time and effort that they want their editor to produce.

So after asking my friends and family of my situation of whether to let this one go or not, i got a unanimous answer; "It's not worth it". Damn straight. I don't like being looked down upon. I'm already short i get that enough. I don't like having to deal with people that are just not professional. If they want a professional output then they have to give a professional input. What's funny is the last person i talked to seemed to have given me the best advices in terms of work. The first was "Even if someone in your team is slacking and seems apathetic, you don't just fire them. You're a team and whatever one lacks the others should compensate". And now as i picked him up from the office i discussed to him my dilemma. All he said was "Let it go." Guess i'm some kind of daddy's girl.

- Live like there's no tomorrow. Love like it's your last.

Friday, March 25, 2005

Ateneo Graduation

Graduating with your friends! Go CommTech batch 2005! Good Luck to all Posted by Hello

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Hoping this will never happen to me. Nisus

How cruel is the world?

A friend of mine relayed a sad love story. Of two best friends that might have been.

They were really good friends. To the point that they fell for each other. But having to take that extra step in your relationship with a friend consists of risks. Going one step further requires no turning back. Somehow it gets complicated like that. And so she tried to let go only finding out he had held on to someone else.

Time past and they remained good friends. Until one day, unexpected news. "She's pregnant." She told us how she froze in her steps, and how her legs weakened at the news. A reality check that she was never getting that extra step she had hoped for.

Out of responsibility, her best friend married the mother of his child. At their wedding day, the bathroom was her only place of solitude. There, she shed her tears of loss. She was made to witness the marriage of the man she loves with a woman she barely even knew and was made to be the godmother of a child that could have been hers.

Now i ask you, how cruel is the world?


On a lighter note, i can never be more proud of my friend Roel.

"For as the black knight left himself open, he had overcome his adversary. The white knight succumed to the darkness with her own sword."

- Live like there's no tomorrow. Love like it's your last.

Monday, March 21, 2005

I'm sick...

It's technically my first day of unemployment. Graduation was last friday and forgive me for not writing about it then. After hearing it or rather reading this entry you would understand.
Friday was graduation day. The graduates of the School of Science and Engineering and the School of Management was presented in front of their parents, siblings and other relatives. Fr. Nebres was there as well as the owner of Jollibee Food Corporation, Mr. Tony Tan Caktiong. Mr. Caktiong was our speaker for our graduation and i would have to admit that this man's charm and humble stature makes him worthy of being succesful in his business. He was herald as the World's entrepenuer of the year 2004. With his wife, he welcomed us graduates to a new world, of new hope.
But before the granduer of graduating let me tell you about my little adventures during the day. Thursday night, the night before graduation i was panicking as to what i will wear for grad mass and grad itself. At the time, which was last week and the days before that i didnt feel the need to buy a dress or new clothes for it. However, night before, i panicked. I had the shoes. Damn did i have shoes! the only problem was having to pair it with the right clothes. I almost stayed up after midnight if i wasn't so tired. At 5 in the morning, with my parents, we prepared our clothes and other stuff needed for graduation, which was for 4 in the afternoon. We woke up early for the baccalaureate mass at 7:30 am. Call time for that was at 7:00 am. So we hurried to avoid traffic in Ateneo. We were there by 6:30. We brought our things because we decided that it would be best if we stayed near Ateneo. After the mass there was still our grad practice. Yes, we only had one practice for our graduation and it was on the same day itself.
I was sleepy, and very tired. The mass and the graduation took place at the highschool Gym. 4 years of our wasted youth culminates in graduating in a gym. But that's beside the point. The mass ended at around 9 am as expected. The grad practice was to be held after that. The pointless pratice ended at around 11:30, not as expected. We were an hour behind schedule. No problem. After prac, my parents and i decided to just leave the car and take a short commute to the nearest mall behind Ateneo. My mom and i decided we kill time in the parlor while my dad waits in agony. We ate lunch and went to the parlor. That was my relaxing 1 1/2 hour of the day. I wanted to fall asleep while the hair dresser was combing my hair and while the lady was fixing my nails. When i was done i went to my mother's parlor and saw she wasn't finished yet. It was already 2:30 pm. call time for grad was at 3:00pm. No problem, we were close to the school anyway. but all of a sudden, we hear thunder. It was raining so hard outside. I started panicking again. We had no car! and the route was difficult to pass. I just had my feet cleaned and my hair fixed! My dad and i had to leave earlier than my mom cause she wasnt finished yet! It was the first time ever i commuted with my dad. EVER. He was panicking more than i was! Now i know where i get it from. I was laughing all the way back. My feet was soaked cause some of the roads were a bit flooded. Water from the roof fell hard on the cement as we passed by stores. The wind was blowing like crazy. I got wet when we rode the tricycle... It was horrible. I think it was a wee bit of me breaking down that made me giggle as my dad and i made our way back to the car. Something like that couldn't possibly happen on your graduation day right? Haaay. I had to rush into my clothes for graduation. I fixed myself up with make- up, etc. then graduation. 4 hours worth, in a hot toga and killer heels. But the creme de la creme? I was beside the band, and guess who the only girl was? I'll give you a clue: she plays the damn clarinet! Nice. Don't worry, i don't hate the clarinet girl, i just don't want to see her that's all. And on my last day. Damn.
You get the drift. After that was dinner. and sleep. Until the next day when i caught a cold. I went our with Jinky and Yogi to watch the Bobby Parks Movement play in Racks El Pueblo to make up for not watching them the night before. They've got cool songs! Greatness. Was even on MTV Get Spotted again. yehey! whoope doo! Requested Jopay by Mayonnaise, for support to Monty who also plays in BP Movement. Maybe i can land a job in MTV.
We were supposed to go to Nina's birthday/ grad party at ther house but i couldnt go anymore. I felt so bad and to think i went to the spa that afternoon. When i woke up Sunday morning i had to clean my room. And i mean clean it. My allergies caught up and made my cold worse. By the end of the day, i was sniffing during mass. Palm sunday by the way.
Today, i spent the entire day in bed. My body hurts, my nose is stuffy and i feel bad cause i hate being sick. I'm sorry if this entry is long. And i don't want to come out as a ranting bitch but this is my blog. And like what Yogi told me before, i can write whatever i damn please! Forgive me, i think its the meds.
- Live like there's no tomorrow. Love like it's your last.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Toast! Blue Roast 2005 Graduation Party!!!

Click on the title to view all the pictures from the night!!! R3 rocks!

- Live like there's no tomorrow. Love like it's your last.

The gang... ung wala dito sa block pangeeeeet!!! =p Posted by Hello

The Triple B's! (Batangas Beach Bums) Posted by Hello

Celebrating with Zobel batchmates! Smart people rock! Posted by Hello

Hot chicks of R3!!! Cris, me, Cher and Mini Posted by Hello

Nothing like Yellow Cab New York's Finest and a cold San Mig Light to celebrate graduation! (i should get paid for this...) Posted by Hello

Blue Rose from Blue Roast 2005! Posted by Hello

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

The stars will guide you back home

The stars will always guide you back home.

I went out to runaway again tonight. Talking to a friend didn’t seem to appease my disturbed soul. I searched for solace in my secret hideaway. There, I found, was profound silence. The wind whispered and the clouds took notice. The stars were finally out of solitude.

I had my cigarette on one hand and the other tucked behind my elbow because of the cold. The rustling of the leaves were intoxicating and as I slowly looked up to acknowledge it there I saw the flickering of the stars.

With all the rapid changes, from situation to location, it is always reassuring that something never changes. The stars are our comfort. Knowing that as time goes by, the stars will always be out there, in the same position waiting for us to gaze upon it. It is universal. The whole world sees the same layout of the stars as you see it. Tonight, I saw it again, and like nights before this. Memories are, were and will be made under these stars. As infinite as their number, so are the memories that it holds. The same stars covered our home a while ago. As it makes its way to where we are, you can be assured that it brought a little bit of our home along with it.

Don’t hesitate. With the frugality of the world today, look up and be back home.

- Live like there's no tomorrow. Love like it's your last.

Monday, March 14, 2005

A Monday again...

It's 6 in the morning, a Monday. Horrible. I have to be in Ateneo before 9 but i'm going to leave a little before 8. Haha. I'm so stupid. I volunteered to man the phone line today... the whole day...

You know what i've noticed? I haven't quit smoking yet and school's already finished. Everyday now, supposedly free from stress, i've been smoking. Not a day goes by without me smoking at least a stick. I'm weak, which means i'm gay. I told myself that i'll be quitting after school ends, cause there'll be no more reason for me to smoke. There's no more work. I hate myself. I want to quit, but i can't!!! Help me. Even now, i can't wait to take my first cig of the day. Maybe i'll try gum.

I'm so lazy. It's break, but i have to help the org. ACTM's launch for our course. Have to be all preppy wheni answer the phone. "Yes sir, this is Irene Chong", it's not even my own name. Can't you RSVP to ACTM? And can't they text you? But hey, that's just me. It's wonderful what they're doing, i appreciate it myself having to graduate my course but you have to admit... waking up early on a Monday morning? Cmon... Oh well, guess i have to get ready.

- Live like there's no tomorrow. Love like it's your last.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Writing while intoxicated... ahaha!

What is it with Spanish music that makes me wanna dance? I have no idea what they’re singing but it all sounds so nice and sexy! That night at Azzuro, where my last COSA party was held, gave me a new perspective on dancing. No more hip hop and those rave music! I’ve been to Embassy at the Fort, which played its rave music at around 1 in the morning but I hated the way the music would stop so abruptly, out of sync. It reminded me more of children’s parties when we’d play Stop Dance. I found it awful and a waste of my dancing feet. That made me reminisce how much fun I had with my wild Havana night at Azzuro. All night, non-stop dancing with my Ateneo friends with the beat of the drums and the sexy tune of the guitar… haaay. Temple is ok. R&B still rocks. Hmmm. I think I just contradicted myself. But their tunes are still great for dancing, better than what happened at the Embassy. It was a waste of money. To think I paid for 350 Php to get in. Horrible. Temple was free! My friends seemed surprise on how much I can party. Maybe because they got used to me being all proper when we’d all hang out. But I mean, staying in at one of your kabarkada’s place doesn’t really call for some dancing. Joax told me he was surprise that I danced and partied like I do (which is great and tasteful I must say) when we had Yco’s baptism after party for the uhm… “grown- ups”. Yeah this girl knows how to get it down. Tama ba? I’m not good with the lingo. Joyce? They opt for more in-house inuman than they do dancing. Anyway, I just miss the dancing. Abi? Havana in Malate? Damn. Life would be easier if money grew on trees. (Lets not get technical you eco freaks!)

Next week is graduation. Before that is Blue Roast, our batch party. Can’t wait to see my friends again. But I can’t wait for Hong Kong and Bora more!

Haha, so far I’ve only finished reading one book pa lang: Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe. Good book. Not just for people who want to understand colonialism though, but it’s a book for understanding the male species of homo sapiens. My dad’s making me finish reading Da Vinci. Maybe I’ll read The Rule of Four first. Wachayathink?

- Live like there's no tomorrow. Love like it's your last.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Bored and Restless

I've been feeling like crap the past couple of days, and it's break! I'm not really sure why, although i may have an idea but i'm not telling... So while i was doing nothing, and bored, i started fixing some of my friends links and i came across my blockmate's blogs. Ten Ten and Roel's blogs also wrote about our eventful block night at Discovery suits. (please see previous entry: My One night Stand) This definitely perked me up. So for any of you interested in viewing the different versions of that wonderful night dont hesitate to read on. It's no pulitzer but it can definitely make you laugh!

Life would be more fun if you were here.

- Live like there's no tomorrow. Love like it's your last.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Partying at Embassy, Fort and Temple Bar in Greenbelt

Posted by Hello

 Posted by Hello

 Posted by Hello

 Posted by Hello

night out with the girls in Embassy, Fort Bonifacio last saturday!!! woohoo! Posted by Hello

Saturday, March 05, 2005

My one night stand

I just woke up in my own bed a while ago. My body feels like a cement block. I'm still sleepy, well, i'm always sleepy. Last night was fantastic, but after leaving abruptly at 8 in the morning, i finally understand the feeling of a one-night stand.

My blockmates wanted to have a party last night, a last hurrah as a block. I was late, as usual. I was being a good girl and went to friday mass first. I got to Discovery Suites in Ortigas a little before 11 p.m. Yey. I was the last one to arrive, but who cares right? We were spending the night anyways. My friends have been nagging me earlier to go.I couldn't at first because i had other plans that night. And basically i was just too lazy to go. But i did. They used guilt. Who can resist. So i made my way to the place. Got lost a bit and was finally welcomed by my friends at the lobby of the suite. Great place Cher!

Bad thing about it was that you're not allowed to smoke inside the building. Me, JR, Steve, Cris, Mini and Roel had to go downstairs everytime we wanted to smoke. But its all good. When i got there, some of them were already drunk. I made my way to where the liquor was to catch up. ahehehe. So i flirted with Jose (last name Cuervo)vand had two shots of him straight. My third was intercepted by JR. He didn't want me to drink the 3rd one straight. Good one deary. So i had vodka sprite instead. Some of my friends were inside one of them rooms playing Boing Boing... don't ask. While we, the more sober ones stayed outside and talked making sure that the people inside the room had endless supply of alcohol for their game. But it had to stop when someone vomited on the blanket... and the pillow case... and the carpet floor... The bad thing about it was i had to wash the pillow case, the towel that was used to clean the blanket, and of course my white pants, because while i was being Martha freakin' Stuart some of the vomit got to my pants. I had to wear baggy pants that Roel had let me borrow for the night. I was staying overnight without bringing anything... not even a toothbrush! Good thing the place provided it. So the alcohol had to stop. We had to make our friends steady for the rest of the night. Why? Because they have an interview the next day for HP! This is why i love my friends. They seek to challenge the limits of humanity.

Some of them went to sleep, some were still making kulit while some went home. The rest of the people who stayed still played. I couldn't take it. At around 3 in the morning i went to bed. After a while my friends joined in. No, we didnt get to sleep really. It was all talk.. and talk... and oh! more talk. It was 8 am. This morning. My mom called me up in my cel telling me she was downstairs ready to pick me up. I was still wearing Roel's pants. I had to change quickly. My friends were still asleep. Those who had their interview at around 7 a.m. already left. The lights were turned off and the curtains were closed. My head hurt from the alcohol and lack of sleep. I quietly changed my pants. Got my stuff and tip- toed towards the door. I closed the door of the unit silently. My hair was a mess, i looked horrible and i was wearing the same clothes i was wearing the night before. I left the room alone at 8 in the morning. One of the staff saw me come out and just quickly looked away. I wonder why? It was disgusting. I felt sleazy cause of what it looked like but it was funny at the same time. It was my one night stand with the block. Not in the kinky sense. I had fun. We are graduating, most of us. But no matter what happens we will still be a block. These are the people who made Ateneo ok for me. And when i closed that door behind me leaving them in their slumber, i looked at them grateful and knowing at least for a night i took care of them as they took care of me.

- Live like there's no tomorrow. Love like it's your last.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Jollibee's new menu

When you think of Jollibee, the first thing that comes to mind is their Chicken Joy. This afternoon, after my dreadful day in school, i wanted to treat myself to Jollibee. What did i buy you ask? Not their popular Chicken, but a salad. Salad? In a fast food joint? Better believe it folks!
With the emergence of healthy lifestyles, coming from the different diets, popularity of gyms, the fast food industry has certainly adapted and went with the latest trend of their market. I remember watching over CNN how the US fast food industry has taken concern on the health benefits of their products and has provided their consumers a healthier alternative. From greasy burgers to fresh garden salads and fruits, they have addressed the variety of their consumers.
One might think it can cannibalize their more popular products (i.e. fries, burgers, etc). However, a brand manager of Pepsi Co. Philippines once told me the logic of introducing a rival product as part of your own. A brief info: Pepsi Co. largely caters to softdrinks, or carbonated drinks like Pepsi but it also has Tropicana, a juice drink. Juices are considered as a competitor for these carbonated drinks. When i asked him about this seemingly masochistic cannibalization, he replied frankly that there are trends that you cannot ignore, one of this is the growing health awareness of the market. But instead of the Pepsi Co. consumers shifting to another product made by another company, Pepsi Co. has introduced Tropicana to cater to their consumers demands. Though their consumers share has decreased in their carbonated drinks, their share for juice has increased in a way retaining or even increasing their total market share as a company.
KFC so far was the first to introduce their salad menu to the fast food industry. Some of you might remember this with Amanda uttering "Oh my gulay" at the end of that KFC ad. Though they succesfully pioneered in the salads, that commercial deserves some cruel criticism, but thats another entry. After KFC, i was surprised and yet relieved that Jollibee was promoting their own salad menu. A good move for Jollibee indeed. But whats next? Tofu fries?

F.Y.I. The salad i had wasn't that bad, but it wasnt that good either...

Damn i miss marketing.

- Live like there's no tomorrow. Love like it's your last.

bitch moment

Why can't the school give their graduating students an easier time. We're already leaving it, and as nostalgic as we were during our last week in school, were now up in arms at the pace,(if you can even call it that!) that you have to go through to get cleared! f @ % #^ &&%^ !!!!!!! damnit! I mean, how long does it take to use a damn computer? and how long does it take to stamp the stupid clearance paper? haaaayy, i almost fought with the volunteer at the ADSA window. Poor boy. Anyway, i was nice and i didn't. Even though i wanted to yell at him. Pull him out the window and demand for my stamped clearance. Ive been a good girl. I've been a good student, and they are taking so long to clear me! They have computers, even chimps can operate, and they havent signed my paper? How long does it take to see i have no record? How long does it take to stamp it? I hate Ateneo.

- Live like there's no tomorrow. Love like it's your last.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005


I came across channel V's The Ticket, where they basically review movies. One movie caught my attention, a Malaysian film by Yasmin Ahmad entitled SEPET. What's it about? What else but Love.
Apart from its usual sappy romantics of two different people getting together, it talks about the isolation that takes place in being in a relationship. Yasmin presents it in the movie by introducing everyone at the start, and slowly decreasing the characters and concentrating on the two lovers. She describes it as what happens when you fall in love. You tend to live in a world composed of just the two of you. but what i realize is this is probably the reason why people feel so alone after a break-up, even when you're surrounded with your friends... What happens to the world you've created when your only partner in it goes away?
SEPET's a good movie. Don't view the technicalities, the camera shots or the plot itself. Just sit back, relax and watch. Enjoy life as it should be, in its simplest form: living like theres no tomorrow and loving like its your last.

- Live like there's no tomorrow. Love like it's your last.